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Testimonials / Reviews // Why we don't have any

Were you looking for Testimonials or Reviews?

You may have been searching through our website looking for some testimonials and may now realize that we don’t post testimonials from our clients, nor do we have many online reviews from satisfied clients.

So why don’t we promote ourselves this way?

The answer is that registered, licensed health care professionals are regulated by governing colleges and the Ministry of Health which does not allow regulated health care professionals to use testimonials or solicit online reviews.

Why do you see testimonials and positive reviews on websites of other weight loss and weight management companies?

The answer again is that those companies do not employ regulated health care professionals, (Or perhaps they are not complying with their regulations).

But why shouldn’t regulated health care professionals use testimonials or solicit positive reviews?

Some of the reasons include:

  • Testimonials and positive reviews are unreliable.

  • Because people are different, it's misleading to suggest that you will achieve the same results as the person shown in the testimonial.

  • Claims cannot be verified.

  • Testimonials may represent ideal outcomes which don't reflect averages or norms.

  • Inadvertent influence to write a testimonial or positive review may have taken place.

  • A testimonial or positive online review helps the company, not the client, and the client's privacy and interests should always be a priority.

What does this mean for You and your relationship with Dalewood?

Dalewood Health has thousands of clients across Canada who have positive, successful, outcomes who are grateful for the care we provided in helping them reach their health and weight loss goals, however we just can’t solicit and post their success stories or share their information with anyone else.

We hope this assists you in understanding why we do not advertise our success stories, and at the same time gives you comfort knowing that at Dalewood, you will be cared for by licensed, regulated health care professionals that will always put your interests ahead of their own.

Sara Jafari, RD

Program Director, Dalewood Health & Wellness

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